Thursday, June 7, 2012

tantric Practices in Newar Rituals

'Rudri' or Rudravishek a Vedic-Tantrik conclusion on it
(An Abrupt Translation by M.R. Subedi  Rajopadhyaya)
                                                                                                     - Nigendra Raj Sharma Rajopadhyaya
                 An assumption pleads: there is no need to look up the table of Shiva Bas , the ideal day of the deity Shiva, for invoking Rudra with the ritual - "Shiva Rudri", a function performed by flowing down the fountain of sacred water, honey, milk or ghee etc. on the day of respective Newar Santani devotee's birthday. Looking for the ideal day to perform "Rudri" has been ignored or undermined by the Santani Newars in course of observing their birthdays. This is criticized as a breach of procedure. Sanatani khas-Brahmins disagree this and make a strong comment against it        . They think: "a look on calendar is a must “. Without looking for the ideal date, one cannot perform 'Rudri' observing his/her happy birthdays.
     However, it is a breach; Newar Sanatanis believe that they are following their tradition. They strongly stick on it that performing Rudri on an individual`s birthday doesn’t need to  pay any look on the calendar for the detection of the most ideal day. They think that the birthday itself is the most ideal day to perform Rudri, Lord Shiva made a consent that it is not necessary to look for  any ideal day to perform 'Rudri' when one intends to observe his/her birthdays by invoking Rudri. The following explanation goes to explore on it.
     Newar Santanis have always been remained a Tantrik Hindu. We witness Newar's tradition   direct by tantrik epics. Following discussion has been launched here to explain the fact hidden in Newar's tradition on 'Rudri'. One of the scriptures of Tantra, called SHIVA TANTRA explains that there is no need to look at the calendar to detect the ideal day for Rudri when one intends to perform it on his/her birthdays. According to the scripture - Shiva Tantra, the vedic verses mentioned in it, differ by some stanzas to that of vedic rituals. It is mentioned in the fifth chapter of shiva Tantra. Lord God Shiva explains one hundred stanzas of vedic verses to Narada. On those hundred stanzas only three differ from that of pure vedic - content. This vedic - content is very common among the khas-Brahmins who perform 'Rudri' rituals excluding Tantric procedures. Lord Shiva is the same deity to perform. Rudri with vedic and tantrik Vehicles. Khas-Brahmins observe this Rudri rituals with mare vedic procedure, Whereas, Newars observe Rudri with vedic and Tantric - both procedures. In the former procedure, deity: Lord Shiva has explained a stanza to tell:  Pay an eye at the calendar to look for the ideal date of Rudri is not a must. It is the very essence to perform 'Rudri' on the birthdays of an individual without thinking on 'does' and 'don’ts'.
     'Thyasapu, a manuscript copied by Hari Dutta Joshi of Bhaktapur for his preceptor chakra Raj called SHIVA TANTRA’ written in Ranjana Lipi (Newari Character), Nepal Era 802 (of 1658 A.D.) contains five chapters. The THYA SAPU deals with Lord Shiva's words on the importance and greatness of Rudri and finally the preparation of altar. Things and flowers to offer ,procedure of invoking, qualification of priest, Vedic verses to recite and the instruction to perform Rudri without paying any heed to SHIVA BAS (i.e. looking for ideal day to perform) in case of paying homage on one's birthdays .are its  significances
     The copier of the book , Hari Dutta Joshi prints in his manuscript - procedure to detect the ideal day to perform, significance of 'Rudri', the worshiping procedure of homage and the need of Tantrico-vedic Brahmins to chant the verses. He expresses his words of gratitude to his preceptor and mentions the following stanza to conclude his words.
Bipran Bedabida Shanta Kaulika Sansita Brata.
Gyana Yagan Taponistha Shivavaktiparayana.
Rudradhyan Japan Samyakkurbantu Bimalashaya.
Tesham Japanu Bhabena Sadya Shreyo BhabiShyati.
     The performer should depute a priest with a wide knowledge of veda.and  Baptized in Tantrik procedure. The Priest should be attired with the knowledge of penance in Lord Shiva’s  austerity. He should chant the vedic verse to perform the procedure with good wishes which leads the performer to get into the divine result.
The former chapter deals with a tale related to the worshipping procedure of Rudri and its result. The fifth chapter follows the detailed content of Vedic verses which are chanted in Rudri  procedure. The translation of the mythic story with its Sanskrit Stanzas and the complete hundred verses are here as follows:-
Lord Shiva says:-  
     Ishwora Ubacha
Shrinu Narada Bakshami Itihasam Puratanam.
Bhadra Seneti Rajasit Kashmire Dwarantike II
Mitrasena Iti Khyata Tasya Putra Abhuttada .l
Praja Putram cha sarbesham Palayamasa Parthiba. II
Yekada Tatra Samprapta Parashara Mahan Muni I
AAtithyam Karayamasa Swagatasana Bhojanai . II
Harshitam cha Munim Drishtwa Prarthayamsa Parathiba.

     II Rajobacha II
RajyangeShukhilechapi Kushalam Bartate mama. II
Mama Bhagyabasad Praptam Sarajyam Dhana Putrakam.
Adhuna Shrotu Michhami Mamatmajasaya Yadwabet. II
Asyau Kati Barshani Bhagyam Bada cha Kidrisam.
Bidya Kirticha Shakticha Shradha Bhakti cha Kidrisham
Yetatsarbama sheshena Munetwom Baktumarshsi II
Taba Shishasmi Bhrityosmi Sharnam Twam Gatosmyham II


II Parashara Ubacha II
Abachyam Hi Yatakinchit Katham Saktosmi Shamsitum.
Amusya Tu Kumarasya Barsham Dwadashyayu.
Ata param prapadete Saptame Dibasemritim . II
Iti Tasya Bacha Shrutwa Kalakuta Miboditam. I
Murchhitam Sahasa Bhoomais Patito Nripati Shucha II
Tamithaya Samaswasya Samuni Karunardradhi. I
Vbacha Mabhairnate Punarbachhayami Te Hitam II
Sarba Debottamandebam Yadekam Nishkalam Param I
Chidanandamayam Jyoti Sa Aadya Kebala Shiba II
Sa Yebaday Rajo Rupam sirshta Brahmana Matmana I
Sasriti Karma Niyuktaya Tasmai Bedan stha Dattaban II
Punnacha Dattabamisha Atma Tatwaika Sangraham I
Sarbapanishadam Sara Rudradhyam cha Dattaban II
Yadekamabhyam Sakshyad Brahmar Pam Sanatanam I
Sitbatmakam Param Tatwom Rudradhye Pratishthitam II
Tatrayam Yajushammadhe Brahmano Dakshimanmukhat I
Asheshopamishatsaro Rudradhye samudgata II
Namaste Rudra Ityadayat Sibomama Tata Param I
Sattotara Richa Sarbe Rudradhye Samshrita II
Yesha Yeba Paro Mantra Yesha Yeba Param Tapa I
Bruto Rudratmaka Soyam Beda sara Prasadita II
Rudradhyayen Ye Deva sampayanti Mahesworam I
Tajjlai Kurbata Smanannte Mrityam Tatanticha II
Rudradhyani Japtena Snanam Kirbantc Yembhasham I
Tesham Mrityu Bhayamnasti sibaloke ahiyate II
Satraudra Vishekena Shatayurjayate Nara. I
Ashesha Papa Nirmukta sibasya Dayito vabet II
Yesha Rudradayutam Snanam Karotu Taba Putraka I
Dashabarsha Sahashrani Modete Bhubi Sakrabat II
Bipram Bedabida shanta Kaulika Shansita brata I
Gyana Yagan Taponishtha Siba Bhakti Paryana II
Rudradhyam Japam Samyak Kurbantu Bimalashaya I
Tesham Japanubhabena Sadya shreyo Bhabishyati II
Ityukta Bantam Nripatirmahamunim Tameba Babre Pratham Kriyugurum
Athaparastykta Dhanashayanmuninabahayamasa Saharrashe Hshnat II
Tebipra Shanta Manase sahasra parisammita I
Kalashanam Satam Sthapya Punya Brikshya Rasairyutum II
Rudradhayana Sansnapya Tam Murbipati Putrakam I
Bidhi Batsnapayamsa samprapte saptame dine II
Sbapyamano Munijanai Sariyanaya Kumaraka I
Akasmatdeba Samtrasta Kshanam Murchha Mabapha II

     II Ishora Ubacha II
Shrinu Narada Bakhami Siba Basasya Yatdwat
Tithcha Dwihunim Kritya Banai Samjojayet tada .
Saptavisha Haredvagam Shivabasam Samudisher.
Yekana Basa Kailsaha Dwitiye Gaurisannidhau.
Tritiye Brisharudha Savayam Cha Chatustake.
Panchame Bhojane Chaiba Kreedayam Shadbhire Tatha.
Smashane Saptame Chaiba Shivabasa Itrirata.
Kailashe Lavate Shaukhyam Gauryastu Sukhasampada.
Brishave Chaiba Siddhisyat Sabha Santapakarami.
Bhojane che vabetpeeda Kridayam Kastamebacha.
Smashene Maranam Chaiba Phalameba Bicharayet.
Swojama Bibasechaiba Shivarautraustathaibacha.
Bedhotsa Dine Chaiba Paurnamashyam Tathaibashe.
Parba Dina IT Prokta Pitro Marana Basarau,
Eteshu Dibaseshuscha Rudrapatham Phalapradam
Tatravishekha Karyeshu Shivabasam Napashyatu.
Iti Shiva Tantre Shivabasa Phalabarnane Chaturtha Patalam.

Ishor says:
oh Narada ! I will tell you the ancient    story, About the end of Dwaper Uga (the latest Part of the epoc there used to be a king called Bhadresen, who ruled over kashmir  He had a son called Mitrasena. An oracle safe called Parashar came to the King's Palace. The King received the oracle with food and a seat. In the arrival of the sage, the king felt joyed and prayed the happy oracle. The king said, "Everything in my kingdom goes all right. My fortune has bestowed wealth and son, Now Kindly tell me the future of my son Please explain me about his fate and his life span, education, fame, dedication and devotion without leaving any trace. I am your disciple and servant as well. I have fallen to your feet. To the answer of these questions,  Parashar replies - "There is a sad message too which is not an ideal deal to tell than at all. There is no reason to suspect over it. However, one will not be able to keep straight listening to this ill message. Even a patient person feels sorry to listen to it. The message speaks, loudly that this prince dies on the following seventh day of this week". Listening to this fatal poison like words the king felt unconscious on the ground. And sprinkling the ocean flood of love and pity over the king, the sage assured him "Do not be afraid. I will further tell you the things which will benefit you". Uttering these words the sage raised the King from the ground. The  god, the biggest lord, the happiest Spirit and the flame, the earliest soul is the only God Shiba. The red Spirit who is the creator of the universe is produced by the mighty God Shiva. Shiva is the only unblemished might of the universe and the system .Lord Shiva bestowed all the four Bedas to Brahma the creator, and along with it, Lord Shiva bestowed his elements of collection to Brahma. These  were the jests of all Upanishads. The very important element which goes by the name 'Rudradhya' was also given in course of deputizing Brahma for creation. 'Rudradhya' includes the Universality of the Great Shiva the real Supreme, omnipotent and divinity. The complete 'Rudradhya generated  from the southern mouth of Brahma Which signified the first and foremost  of all Upanishads and Bedas without leaving any. The hundred Stanzas followed from NAMASTE RUDRA MANYABA………….to…………….. SHIBONAMA “TATA PARAM. These are the contents of SATA RUDRADHYA. This is the greatest chant and the Greatest Austerity. It is said: the 'Ruradhya' is attired with godly precise chantings  Which consists the entire gist of all four Bedas. Chanting these hundred stanzas of Beda one can sprinkle water over Shiva Linga. The water flown down from the idol is the holiest water which can be used to take bath to drive away the danger of death. Death cannot terrify them Onewho takes bath with the water sprinkled to the idols. Sprinkling of that water chanting 'Rudradhya' leads one to live for a hundred complete years. He or she gets rid of sine and becomes beloved by Shiva. Let your son take bath for a ten thousand times. Chanting this Lord Shiva blesses your son live to enjoy for one thousand years in the earth.
     To chant the Bedic stanzas one should depute Brahmines with a good Knowledge of Beda. They should be generous, purged, astute, Baptized with Tantric rituals and loyal to Shiva. The priest should not be covetous to make earning and he ought to bear the spirit of an oracle .The chanting performed by such priest will certainly be fruitful.
     After this, the king adopted sage Parashar as the chief of that function, chanted Rudravishak (Rudri). He deputed one thousand noncovetous Brahmins to chant Rudradhaya and started performing Rudri.. One thousand peace loving Brahmins started Chanting Bedic rituals erecting a vessel called KALASHA in which water was filled with holy plant leaves.  Rudradhya was recited ten thousand times. The fountain of water flew down continuously over the idol of Lord Shiva for aweek. Penance was ended by sprinkling the flown out water over the prince and was given a bath to him at the end. No Sooner than the bathing was commenced ,,the prince got over purgatory and the danger of death which was cursed upon him  was driven away. Instead the prince got  a short unconsciousness for a while and recovered completely.
     Lord Shiva said: Oh Narada ! Listen to me : I am telling you the fruit evolved on the rituals  to invoke  according to the lunar calendar. Multiply the lunar date by two and add five to it and divide by seven. The remainder   directs the fruit to the performer. The remainder shows the destinations of Shiva. Shiva's destination at Kailas bestows happiness, day with his bride bestows wealth, day over the rider bestows all divinely excitements, day at meeting prevails pains, day at plays throws sorrows and the day at grave bestows death. The very day of owns birthday, one's ceremonial date of purgation, the full­- ­moon day and parents’ expired annual dates are pious days. These days are ceremonial days to chant 'Rudra Path' and Rudravishak. There is no need to look upon the account of Shiva Bas for these gala days. They are very important days and for these days, performing 'Rudri' is a valuable function to make Lord Shiva Pleases. So  the fourth Chapter comes to an end with the explanation of Shiva Bas from Shiva Tantram.
     Shiva Says:      Shrinu Narada Bakshami Rudradhyam Shatam Param.
                             Yasha Shravana Matrana surb Paphato Bhabet.
Listen Narada! Rudradhaya consists of hundred Stanzas. Listening to it reliefs from all sins. They are